Lunch Lecture with Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Zielinska

Lunch Lecture with Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Zielinska

Dear Idunaren, 


 Are you still overwhelmed by the many career paths you can choose in STEM? Do you want to keep your options open when applying for a Master's or PhD? 


 Please give it up for our last Lunch Lecture of this academic year! Our guest will be Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Zielinska, an expert in Molecular Microbiology and microscopy techniques. She will present her personal academic path, starting from the Bachelor's degree, until her current position as a researcher at the University of Groningen. 


 - When? May 14th, 13:00-15:00 

 - Where? NB 5118.0161 


 Lunch is on us, as usual, you just have to bring your enthusiasm! Check out our Instagram story to choose what you're craving more for lunch! We hope we'll see you there! 





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